St Catherine’s Meals-On-Wheels service provides hot nutritious meals to older people who are unable to cook for themselves allowing them to live independently in their own homes. The service also provides meals to the Alzheimer’s Unit in Betthany House and to Meals on Wheels services in Leighlinbridge and Fenagh.
Meals are delivered by a team of volunteers 5 days per week 51 weeks of the year including Christmas Day and we cater for all dietary requirements. The daily visit from the volunteer delivering the meal also provides social contact for recipients helping to alleviate isolation while also monitoring their well-being.
Did you know?
- We cook and deliver over 19,000 meals every year
- Over 40 volunteer cooks and drivers are essential to help our staff to run the service and we are supported in recruiting volunteers by Carlow Volunteer Service
- Our oldest volunteer is over 80.
- The cost of the meal is Full Portion (Main course & Dessert) €5.50 and half Portion €4.00
Referral Info
Referrals are accepted from HSE Public Health Nurses, from G.P.’s and from recipients and their families.
Standards of Excellence in Meals on Wheels Services
St. Catherine’s “Standard of Excellence Assessment Framework for Meals on Wheels Services”
Standards of Excellence is a practical quality framework that allows Meals on Wheels services to self- assess their organisation and operations under key headings helping them identify potential improvements. Headings include:
• Organisation of services
• Staffing and Training
• Diet and nutritional value
• Client Needs
• The Social Role of Meals on Wheels
• Relationships with Statutory Agencies
• MOW in the Continuum of Health and Social Services
Standards of Excellence was funded by the HSE National Lottery Fund with an advisory group drawn from HSE Older Person services, Environmental Health, St. Catherine’s volunteers, staff and service users and a PHN and Dietician.
Standards of Excellence was launched in May 2015 and is now being used by local Meals on Wheels services and is freely available for use by other interested services. St. Catherine’s Meals on Wheels Standard of Excellence Quality Framework won the National Age Friendly Achievement Award for Innovation in May 2016.
B – Socially Monitored Alarms / Senior Alerts System
A Socially Monitored Alarm is a personal alarm worn by an individual as a pendant around the neck or wrist. The alarm is monitored 24 hours a day ensuring older people in need can summon help instantly in emergency situations. It provides peace of mind and security for older people and their families allowing them to live independently in their own homes.
St Catherine’s handles SMA grant applications for older people in Carlow town, Tullow, Leighlinbridge and surrounding areas.
SMA Details
- The SMA can be installed via a landline or mobile telephone
- The applicant must be living alone and over 65 or living with another person over 65 years
- The annual fee for the service is €66.00 per annum
For more information please contact:

Edel Keogh
Tel: 059 9138700 Mobile 086-7768939