Social Prescribing Service
The Carlow Social Prescribing Service is a HSE funded free support that aims to reduce social isolation and improve people’s health and wellbeing. The service operates from St. Catherine’s Community Services Centre and is available to people living in Carlow town and county.
The purpose of Social Prescribing is to work with individuals to explore what is important for their life and wellbeing, help them to identify local activities and services they can benefit from and support them to start engaging in these services.
The Social Prescriber can:
- Provide information to point you in the right direction OR
- Arrange an appointment to see you to discuss how you can be supported to improve your health and wellbeing.
Inclusion Criteria:
- People over 18 years old
- Registered with a GP Practice or residing within Carlow Town/county
- People with one or more long-term conditions
- People who need ‘low-level’ support with their mental health
- People who are lonely or isolated
- People who have complex social needs which affect their wellbeing
- Frequent attendees of Primary care services
You can contact the Social Prescribing Link Worker yourself or be referred by a health professional or community worker. Referrals should be made for people where they would benefit from support around one or more of the following issues:
- Lifestyle
- Looking after yourself
- Managing symptoms
- Work, volunteering and other activities
- Money
- Where you live
- Family and friends
- Feeling positive
Exclusion Criteria:
- People who do not fall into one of the above groups
- People with severe and enduring mental health conditions unless it’s part of a package of care and has been discussed between the referrer and Social Prescribing Link Worker and agreed as a suitable referral
- People in palliative care
- People who do not want to engage with the Social Prescribing Service
- People who are being referred mainly for clinical reasons, eg. Addictions
For more information or queries on the service please contact:
Sinéad Fox
Carlow Social Prescribing Link Worker
Mobile: 086 4147511
Office: 059 9138700
For GPs:
View our Social Prescribing Webinar:
Read our service press release:

Sinéad Fox
E: M: 086-4147511