Traveller Programmes
St. Catherine’s Traveller programmes aim to achieve social justice and improve equality outcomes for the Travelling community in Carlow and its environs. Our professional programmes focus on working in partnership with the community at local, regional and national levels to effect this change. Our key programmes below are delivered by our Traveller Programmes Team with the support, strategic guidance and partnership with our funders, HSE and TUSLA. The programmes are devised, planned, delivered, evaluated and reviewed within an equality and diversity framework that sees anti-discriminatory work practice at its core.
Our Programmes
- Community Traveller Health Workers
- Traveller Men’s Health Work
- Community Development/Family Support
- Traveller Women’s Awareness Worker
A. Traveller Community Development
Traveller Community Development/Family Support
The Traveller Development programme works with Traveller Community across County Carlow and has developed informal learning opportunities that provide spaces for the community to understand and practice community development. The main areas of focus are education, family support, housing, health and welfare. The model of delivery of the planned programmes enables participants to evaluate their own learning, engage in personal and social development and collective action.
Carlow Traveller Forum
Funded through Carlow County Council, St Catherine’s provide a Carlow Traveller Forum Development Worker to develop and build a strong forum representation and consultation of the Travelling community. The forum will be meet throughout the year to identify themes and issues impacting the community and explore what strategic opportunities can be created to improve or resolve ongoing challenges regarding housing, education, employment, cost of living, discrimination or any other over arching themes impacting the Travelling community across the county.
If you would like to engage in the Carlow Traveller Forum and our Community Development services contact : Agnita Kenny 0851689186,
Activities and supports include:
- Carlow Traveller Pride takes place annually in June. The day includes a demonstration of the Living Heritage exhibition and Traveller Culture
- Pre-development programmes include Driver Theory, Swimming, Crafts and Healthy Cooking,
- Family support
- Meitheal Tusla Supports
- Advocacy for Traveller families and individuals
- Internal and external referrals
- A drop-in facility and targeted outreach service to the community
- Supporting the development of the Carlow Traveller Forum
- Planning and supporting the annual Traveller Pride Festival
- Contributing to local, regional and national policy and strategies
If you or your family are in need of any Community Development/ Family Support call: 0861689186 or email
Travellers Women’s Programmes/Groups:
- Tuesday Morning – Traveller Women’s Craft and Wellbeing Group (contact Teresa Ryan)
- Wednesday Morning – Traveller Women’s Health and Fitness Group (contact Teresa Ryan)
- Tuesday 5-7pm “Young Women’s Group” Lackeens – Healthy cooking and fitness programme (Contact Kathleen Kerrigan or Michelle Maddock)
Mixed Men and Women’s Programmes:
- Driver theory: Contact Teresa Ryan or Michael Nolan
- Drop-in Service: Monday- Friday 9:30-12:30pm
Traveller Pride
Carlow Traveller Pride takes place annually in June. The day includes a demonstration of the Living Heritage exhibition and Traveller Culture
Did you Know?
- Over 200 members of the Travelling and settled communities attended the 2015 Traveller Pride event
- Over 200 people attended the 2016 Traveller Pride event
- In 2015 36 women participated regularly in the community and health development programmes
For more information please contact:

Valerie Byrne
Tel: 059 9138777,
Mobile: 086 0272803
Teresa Ryan
Tel: 059 9138700,
Mobile: 086 0148484
B. Traveller Men’s Health Work
The Men’s Health programme focuses on improving Traveller men’s health including cardiovascular health, mental health and cancer awareness. The Traveller Men’s Health Worker (TMHW) works in both County Carlow and County Kilkenny.
Traveller Men’s Health Work
The Men’s Health programme focuses on improving Traveller men’s health including cardiovascular health, mental health and cancer awareness. The Traveller Men’s Health Worker (TMHW) works in both County Carlow and County Kilkenny.
Activities and supports include:
- Pre Development Programmes including a swimming group, soccer groups, Handball, Horse Shoe Throwing and a gardening project and a health programme for men
- Developing the Traveller Men’s Shed at St. Catherine’s CSC and planning and developing two more Men’s Shed projects in Carlow and Kilkenny
- Increasing awareness of good health practice and health services
- Advocacy to increase the uptake of health services
- Internal and external referrals
- A drop in facility and targeted outreach service to Traveller men
- Contributing to local, regional and national policy and strategies
- Carlow Men’s Shed & Health activities
For more information please contact:
Michael Nolan- Traveller Men’s Health Worker
Tel: 059 9138777
Mobile: 086 7721920
Men’s Traveller programmes: (Contact Michael Nolan)
Carlow Men’s Shed & Health activities: Mondays 9:30-1pm
Outreach work is carried out using a Camper Van. It was identified in 2012 that Traveller Men attended and responded very well to a programme on health delivered from a Mobile Unit. A Camper Van was purchased in 2013 to build on this programme for Traveller men. It is envisaged that van will be used for outreach across all three programmes with the support of the Traveller Public Health Nurse and other Health Professionals.
Did you Know?
- Over 300 people attended the 2023 Traveller Pride event.
- The All Ireland Traveller Health Study 2010 highlighted the fact that:
- Traveller women’s life expectancy is 12 years less than settled women.
- Traveller infant mortality rate is three times higher than in the settled community.
- Traveller men die 15 years younger than settled men and are 7 times more likely to die by suicide.
For more information please contact:
Michael Nolan
Tel: 059 9138777
Mobile: 086 7721920
C. Community Traveller Health Workers
The programme focuses on improving health outcomes for members of the Travelling Community, through direct work with the community and health services. The aims of the programme include raising cardiovascular awareness, highlighting the importance of cancer screening for early detection, good mental health awareness, creating spaces to discuss health for individuals and the community, providing training and support for the health services to ensure Traveller culture is recognised and respected in all areas and to identify new or emerging Traveller health issues.
Activities and supports include:
- Pre Development Programmes including healthy eating, positive mental health, smoking cessation and cardiovascular health and fitness
- Advocacy to facilitate access to health services for GP appointments, medical card renewals, dental clinics, cancer screening, cardiovascular appointments, immunisations etc.
- Internal and external referrals
- Delivery of and facilitation of health inputs to Traveller Pre Development groups
- Health themed open mornings
- Cultural awareness training for health professionals and other service providers locally
Did you know?
- The All Ireland Traveller Health Study 2010 highlighted the fact that Traveller women’s life expectancy is 12 years less than settled women. Traveller infant mortality rate is three times higher than in the settled community.
Our Community Health Workers are:
- Winnie Cassidy
- Kathleen Kerrigan
- Michelle Maddock
- Bridget McCarthy
All of which can be contacted
Tel: 059 9138700/085 1161747
Email: or
General Links:
- The All Ireland Traveller Health Study 2010
- St Catherine’s Traveller research pieces: Parenting Part 1 and Part 2
- “People will ask what has happened to the Pecker Dunne” – Music Research
For more information please contact:

Emma Ferris
Tel: 059 9138700
Mobile: 085 1161747