Teen Parent Support Programme
The Teen Parent Support Programme (TPSP) is a free, confidential support service for expectant teen parents/teen parents, their children and their families in Carlow, Kilkenny and South Tipperary. TPSP offer antenatal and postnatal support to teenage mothers and fathers up until the child is 2 years of age. The main emphasis of the TPSP is school retention, parenting, family support and sexual health. The TPSP team offers one to one support, advice and information to meet the needs of the teen parent and their families.
Supports offered include:
- Support, information and advocacy on a range of issues including parenting, welfare rights and entitlements, legal issues, education and training opportunities, childcare options
- Heighten awareness of teen parenthood in secondary schools and other education and service providers directly and through participation in key forums including Local Children and Young Persons Services Committees
- Enabling expectant teen parents/teen parents to stay in and/or return to mainstream education
- Providing teen parents and their children with opportunity for social interaction/integration thus avoiding social isolation
- Providing young people with appropriate information and support to make healthy sexual choices
Did you know?
- Catherine’s TPSP is actively engaged with 60 to 70 teen parents and their families
- 20 teen mothers and fathers engaged in ante and post natal classes last year
- 6 teen parents were being supported to remain in mainstream secondary education in 2014 while 12 teen parents entered into further education and training including to third level education
- TPSP visited 35 secondary schools in Carlow, Kilkenny and South Tipperary last year to raise awareness of the service
How Do I Access TPSP?
Expectant teen parents/teen parents and their families can contact TPSP directly. Referrals can also be made by people working with expectant teen parents/teen parent and their families, for example schools and maternity services.
For support or more information please contact:

Bernie Loughman
Tel: 059 9137392
Mobile: 085 1101511
Email: berniel@catherines.ie
Claire McKenzie,
Project Worker
Phone 085 1689215,
Email: clairef@catherines.ie
Jean Kelly,
Project Worker
Phone: 085 1101510,
Email: jeank@catherines.ie
Helpful Links –
- The Teen Parents Support Programme www.tpsp.ie
- Treoir www.treoir.ie
- One Family Ireland www.onefamily.ie
- EPIC – Empowering People in Care www.epiconline.ie