Want to Work
Want to Work is based on the successful Work Winner programme developed and run by Tipperary Youth Services since 2011. Want to Work targets those under 25’s out of employment, education or training for at least 12 months and most at risk of long term joblessness. It involves offering young people one to one support to build confidence and self-esteem and linking them into employment and training in an area they are interested in.
Our First Programme
St. Catherine’s first Want to Work Programme started in April 2014 with 20 participants. The programme finished on the 31st of October. When surveyed in December 2014:
- 3 participants had progressed into part-time employment
- 5 are in internships or have applied
- 4 are in full-time accredited training
- 1 returned to full time education
- 2 are seeking further training
St. Catherine’s partnered with the Department of Social Protection (DSP), Carlow County Development Partnership (CCDP) and Kilkenny Carlow Education and Training Board (KCETB) in delivering the programme. The current Want to Work programme started in November 2015 with 20 participants. It will run until July 2016.
The Need
In 2014 there were 370 under 25’s in Carlow town on Jobseekers for more than 12 months of whom 230 were male. Many young people in this cohort, both male and female, are at high risk of long term joblessness and need a targeted work based programme with relevant training and high levels of personal support. Over 90 people turned up to our Want to Work Open Day in 2014 and over 80 asked to participate in the programme stating they “wanted to work”.
What is Want to Work?
- Each programme lasts for approximately 6 months. In the first 4 – 6 weeks participants engage in pre-employment training in areas such as first aid and manual handling while identifying the areas of work they are interested in. KCETB assess participants to determine their educational and training levels and needs
- Participants are matched with employers and do work experience, usually 3 to 4 days per week, for approximately 26 weeks under the first steps internship programme. The Co-ordinator liaises with the employer and participant regularly and provides support where required
- The Co-ordinator meets with participants in group settings and one to one on participant’s free days to ensure there is support, group camaraderie and career guidance and mentoring. KCETB also provides professional career guidance services
- Group training may involve computers, career planning, CV preparation and literacy but each participant has their own training schedule. Training relevant to the work placement and participants career plans is prioritised e.g. forklift driving
- The Co-ordinator works with participants to help them enter or continue in employment, training or education relevant to their career plans after the programme ends
For more information or to register your interest in our 2017 Programme please ring or e-mail us

St. Catherine’s
Tel: 059 9138700
Email: info@catherines.ie