Making Connections Carlow (LTI)
What is it?
Making Connections Carlow is a part-time KCETB funded Local Training Initiative (LTI) programme. LTIs are flexible local training programmes, designed to provide opportunities for people who have become disconnected from mainstream training and education. LTIs offer learning supports to assist participants to achieve awards on the NFQ of qualifications and develop capacity to progress to further training and education.
Making Connections Carlow offers participants the opportunity to complete a QQI Level 3 Major Award in Employability Skills.
To receive a Major Award learners must complete the following four modules:
- Communications
- Computer Literacy
- Career Preparation
- Application of Numbers
Once completed they then choose a further three modules to complete at their own discretion. There are a further thirteen modules to choose from e.g. Health & Safety, Nutrition and Healthy Eating, Word Processing or Social Media etc.
Who’s it for?
The programme provides supports for people recovering from substance misuse; homelessness or coming from a probationary background and as a result require assistance to progress in different areas of training and education. The programme is delivered on a one-to-one basis over a number of hours per week.
How to Apply:
To engage with the programme, participants are referred from a range of agencies, including but not exclusively:
- Ardu Clinic (HSE)
- DePaul Homeless Services
- Probation Services.
The programme is deemed to fit well with the rehabilitation model of integrated care pathways outlined in the National Drugs Rehabilitation Framework.
Why do it?
The noted benefits of the programme are the structure that it offers learners, the personalised one-to-one support, a positive experience and taste for learning and progression, new skills, improved literacy and numeracy together with a renewed self-confidence and a sense of accomplishment.
Personal comments from past participants on the course
“The 1 hour twice a week fitted with my life perfectly. Making Connections gave me back a bit of stability and routine whilst I was getting back to education. The one to one support meant I could progress at my own pace. My tutors were amazing and so professional, yet always had time to listen and support me educationally and also in any other way they could. I am moving on to further my education; that would not have been possible without the skills I have learned and the confidence I have gained at Making Connections.”
For support or more information please contact:

Catherine McCarthy
Tel: 059 9138700